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Uzma Talha Award for Excellence in Journalism

Almora Literature Festival has initiated an award for creative, committed and conscious journalists, who have highlighted issues that have a bearing on our social, cultural and political life. This award has been sponsored by veteran Lucknow-based journalist, Kulsum Talha in memory of her daughter Uzma Talha. 



The eligibility parametres are broadbased and includes digital media, electronic and social media, apart from the mainstream print publications, both national as well as regional. Offbeat news agencies and content creators/writers may also be nominated for the award. 

The creative work should be in English or Hindi. 

Self nominations or nomination by any organization would be accepted. If the creative work belongs to a team,  details of the team members should be provided. 

The entries may be self-nominated or fowarded by any organization or individual, who is of the opinion that the journalist's work deserves more exposure or is worthy of inspiring budding professionals. 



The entries will be judged on the basis of the quality of writing/presentation; the limitations and challenges of resources; the subject matter and it's topical relevance to the local society and its positive impact on the populace. 

Since the Award does not have sub-sections or different categories, the entrants may present varied articles/digital output under the same name to highlight their journalistic output.



The entries should include specimen of the work/output  created by the mediaperson or a link/attachment of the published work/visual content. The details of the platform where the output has been showcased/presented should also be provided. The entrants may submit both a collection of their work as well as single creative output. The quality and the quantity of the individual's work would be considered by the judges while deciding upon the winner of the award. 

Details of the participant's credentials., their organisation/digital platform and contact details must be provided in the covering note. 

All entries must be sent to with the subject line "Submission for Uzma Talha Award"


Meet The Jury

Our jury for the 2024 Awards comprises of more than a century's worth worth of experience in journalism and writing among themselves. Each member brings with them a distinct perspective, contributing to a holistic assessment of all the entries for the Awards.   

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